
8:00 – 8:50

Registration and breakfast

8:50 – 9:00

Chair’s opening remarks

9:00 – 9:35

Anticipating and mitigating potential CRE risks on the horizon

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  • Identifying and managing concentration risk across the industry
  • Management of exposure and ripple effect across the industry
  • Impact of interest rate rises on commercial loans
  • Monitoring and stress testing risks to drive diversification
  • Future of regulation to test resiliency of wholesale banking
  • Credit loss impacts of holding a non-performing asset
  • Repricing loans with decreased rental demand
  • Monitoring trends in CRE and increased realized losses
  • Managing the impact to smaller banks exposed to CRE risk
  • Increased delinquencies with reduced office occupancy
  • Diminishing risk appetite to finance CRE sector
  • Interaction with CECL in estimating expected losses

9:35 – 10:20

Mitigating the impact of maturing commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS)

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  • Collateral valuation changes in commercial lending
  • Impact of Covid-19 on economic overview
  • Impact of working from home environment on commercial asset valuation
  • Developing models with a broad scope of economic factors
  • Overcoming challenges with data availability
  • Reliability and accuracy of collateral valuations
    • Challenges in market environment
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Michelle Stanley-Nurse, Global SVP, Credit Risk, PNC


Morning Refreshment Break and Networking

10:50 – 11:25

Assessing recent losses and increased risk level with multi-family loans

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  • Reviewing the impact of macroeconomic variables on multifamily asset classes
  • Impact of interest rate rises on debt service coverage ratio
  • Managing growth and concentration levels
  • Risk management practices for changing asset classes
  • Conducting loan-level stress testing separate from CCAR or DFAST
  • Ensuring granularity of data for long-term forecasting
  • Enhancing portfolio diligence

11:25 – 12:00

Monitoring increased delinquency rate in unsecured lending

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  • Anticipating changes to job markets on the horizon
  • Impact of increased delinquencies on credit losses and allowances
  • Alignment with CECL lifetime view
  • Analysis of fair market value accounting as an alternative to CECL
  • Ripple effect through allowances and capital planning
  • Leveraging data to develop early indications

12:00 – 12:35

Assessing increased delinquency rates after a period of low rates

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  • Impact of pandemic measures on delinquency rates
    • Changes as restrictions and payment deferrals expire
  • Monitoring rates across portfolios
  • Managing upside trends in delinquencies
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Liming Brotcke, Senior Director, Head of Model Validation, Ally


Lunch Break and Networking

1:35 – 2:20

Impact of credit defaults on bank revenues and the ripple effect across the industry

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  • Managing an uptick in defaults with volatility
  • Adequate reserving for potential losses
  • Changes to lending with market changes
  • Adjusting scenarios and projections to reflect losses
  • Altering defaults and losses to account for unforeseen events

2:20 – 2:55

Reviewing the impact of buy now pay later on credit risk

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  • Managing increased extension of credit
    • Impact to performance
  • Tracking short-term loans in credit report
  • Impact of omitting buy now pay later loans
  • Reviewing voluntary reporting to credit bureaus of BNPL payment history
  • Information advantage to buy now pay later lenders
    • Distortion of information with multiple lines of credit hidden

2:55 – 3:30

Monitoring continued uncertainty as consumer behaviors evolve post-COVID

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  • Managing elevated risks across certain portfolios
  • Reviewing changes to auto loans and increased losses
  • Making informed decisions with continued uncertainty
  • Reviewing increase in private credit and the impact across the industry
  • Setting portfolio provisions in a post-COVID environment
    • Relevance of historical data points
  • Impact of return to student loan repayments after COVID-19 relief
  • Understanding impact of stimulus to FICO bands and loan eligibility
  • Structural changes in the market post-pandemic


Afternoon Refreshment Break and Networking

4:00 – 4:35

Understanding 2023 banking failures and what they mean for the financial industry

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  • Managing increased focus on regional banks
  • Enhancing models to include broader macroeconomic environment
  • Reviewing how liquidity impacts have affected credit availability
  • Amending scenarios to reflect current economic environment
  • Assessing the difference between 2023 and previous failures
    • Reviewing which risks contributed
    • Liquidity and balance sheet weaknesses

4:35 – 5:10

Managing evolving insurance crisis and the relationship with climate change

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  • Reliance on insurance industry to cover high-scoring physical climate change assets
  • Reviewing banking approaches to compensating for climate risk
  • Interlinkage of insurance with climate change
  • Balancing conflict of mandating coverage with limited availability
  • Safety and Soundness Act to ensure security of investments
  • Enforcement of hazard and liability for banks
  • Rise of assets without sufficient insurance


Chair’s Closing Remarks


End of day one Networking drinks reception

8:00 – 8:50

Registration and breakfast

8:50 – 9:00

Chair’s Opening Remarks

9:00 – 9:35

Mitigating credit risk whilst ensuring compliance across a range of regulatory initiatives

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  • Reviewing broader credit risk expectations
  • Managing disparities across global regulators
  • Reviewing the future of Basel and impact of Basel III ‘end game’
    • Implementation challenges
  • Reviewing future regulation and approach to AI
  • Leveraging experience from more advanced jurisdictions
    • Lessons learned from IFRS 9 advances and relation to CECL
  • Incorporating enhanced prudential standards


Reviewing Basel proposal and it’s impact to credit risk

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  • Reviewing changes to credit risk under new Basel guidance
  • Potential impacts to the market and pricing
  • Expectations on impacts to models and financing facilities
  • Overview of securitization changes and impacts
  • Reviewing approaches across jurisdictions and potential disadvantages
  • Alignment between model-based credit risk and capital
  • Impact of changes to standardized approach for credit risk
    • Global disparities
  • Impact of Basel rules on working capital financing
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Phil Ohana, Global Head of Market Risk Audit, UBS


Morning Refreshment Break and Networking


Reviewing macroeconomic environment changes and their impacts to credit

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  • Managing conflicting macroeconomic indicators
  • Impact of macroeconomic environment on portfolios
  • Reviewing contributing factors to a recessionary environment
  • Managing anticipation of increased defaults
  • Understanding the impact from the growth of private credit providers
  • Effectiveness of historical indicators in predicting a recession
  • Changes to credit risk level in adverse economic environment
  • Managing high inflation and interest rates
    • Increased cost of living and debt repayments
  • Changes in debt levels to consumer with higher rates
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Alisa Rusanoff, Head of Credit, Trade Finance, Crescendo ACS

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Hakan Danis, Head of Macro Scenario Design, Citi


Mitigating the impact of interest rate risk on commercial and consumer debt

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  • Assessing economic trends and factors impacting interest rate changes
  • Managing the impact to ongoing business operations
  • Reviewing risks of refinancing in a changing rate environment
  • Maintaining up-to-date models and assumptions
  • Increased debt burden with raises in credit card interest rate payments
  • Increased competition of money market accounts
  • Balancing inflation price rises and increased interest rates
  • Impact of changing rates on the prepayment model
  • Impact to profitability with high rate on commercial loans
    • Reviewing loans reaching maturity with higher rates
  • Changes to debt to income ratios with rate increases
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Santosh Mishra, Head of Credit Model & Strategic Alignment,  KeyBank


Reviewing the forecasting capabilities and data requirements of credit risk models

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  • Processing capability of credit modeling
  • Understanding the impacts of heightened losses
  • Tracking habits across products and customers
  • Ensuring models react accurately to market changes
  • Understanding data for effective decision-making
  • Developing short-term solutions during uncertainty
  • Projections of increased losses
  • Lessons learned from Covid-19 and model performance under unusual economic conditions
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Michael Jacobs, Jr., SVP, lead Modeling Expert,  PNC Financial Services Group


Lunch Break and Networking


Leveraging opportunities in advanced modeling techniques for the credit risk portfolio

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  • Implementation of AI and machine learning within credit risk
  • Modeling approaches and processes
  • Utilizing large language models to facilitate credit review processes
  • Training models to predict based on volatile data
    • Impact of Federal and government COVID-19 support
  • Leveraging uncorrupted data sources
  • Ensuring data transparency and confidentiality
  • Deploying models alongside regulatory requirements
  • Understanding drivers behind results
  • Identifying and differentiating risk
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Varun Nakra, VP, Credit Risk Modeling, Deutsche Bank

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Sudeep K Lahiri, Executive Director, Morgan Stanley


Carrying out effective stress testing to understanding structural changes in the market

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  • Monitoring losses and economic changes
  • Stress testing complexities in the economy
  • Impact of large scale events on analytical tools
  • Leveraging existing tools to enhance stress testing
  • Constructing better stress testing frameworks
    • Capturing macroeconomic variables and structural economic change
  • Translating variability and uncertainty into potential losses
  • Amending PD and LGD to account for changing economy
  • Stress testing higher risk portfolios
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Alberto Scalari, Head of Counterparty Credit Stress Testing, BMO


Reviewing the impact of CECL in an uncertain economic environment

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  • Reviewing impact of approaches and effectiveness in mitigating downturn risks
  • Variations in approaches and impact to allowances
  • Lessons learned across jurisdictions and implementation approaches
  • Process review for estimation of credit losses
  • Future changes to advance best practice
  • Use of fair value accounting as an alternative to CECL
  • Ensuring accuracy and relevance of data sets
  • Impact of COVID-19 on approaches with relax in rules
    • Treatment of realized losses during COVID-19
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Industry Expert, Blackrock


Afternoon Refreshment Break and Networking


Leveraging new tools to enhance data quality

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  • Collecting up to date information
  • Enhancing data quality and aggregation
  • Collecting and aligning loan data
  • Building infrastructure to access data in real time
  • Ensuring accuracy of data
  • Use of non-traditional data sources
  • Managing legacy systems and teams
  • Ensuring accurate data to track risk appetite
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

George Stasinopoulos, Credit Transformation, Wells Fargo


Assessing the overlap of credit risk and physical risks within climate risk

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  • Understanding how climate events could impact the ability to repay
  • Managing estimated climate and physical risk
  • Data sources for climate risk modeling
    • Modeling physical damage under different climate events
  • Creating a comprehensive framework to combine credit and climate
  • Proactively building climate scenario capabilities
    • Tracking and understanding likely impacts
  • Incorporating broader ESG considerations into credit risk management
  • Developing model and analytical capabilities
  • Reviewing tools and products available
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

C. Robin Castelli, Head of Transition Risk Model Development, Citi


Chair’s Closing Remarks


End of Congress