
8:00 – 8:50

Registration and breakfast

8:50 – 9:00

Chair’s opening remarks

9:00 – 9:45

Enhancing model risk programs to manage divergence in regulatory expectations across jurisdictions

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  • Restructuring and leveraging existing resources to comply with existing regulatory expectations
  • Managing current market environment changes due to bank collapses
    • Navigating tighten regulatory expectations
  • Enhancing model risk programs to deal with AI regulations
  • Different standards of regulations between the US and Europe
    • Aligning standards of international banks with US regulations
  • Adjusting liquidity balance management models due to new regulation requirements
  • Technological expectations to comply with FRTB and Basel 4
    • Building capacity, governance, and infrastructure to meet requirements
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Xiangyin (Jane) Zheng, Audit Director, BNY Mellon

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Oscar Zheng, Executive Director, Head of Model Validation, Natixis CIB Americas

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Wei Zhu, Managing Director, Citi

9:45 – 10:20

Defining a model to ensure compliance with regulatory expectations

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  • Defining a standard for what constitutes a model
  • Classifying a clear definition of a modeling tool or solution
  • Approaches to dictating if a tool or solution is categorized as a model
    • MRM teams vs. SR117’s definitions of a model
  • Constituting a model and if it needs to be validated outside of SR117’s guidance
    • Managing the challenges and scope of validation requirements
  • Managing model risk as a risk and a compliance function
    • Looking at model risk beyond a one-size-fits-all all approach
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Janet Shand, SVP & Director, Model Risk Management, NYCB


Morning refreshment break and networking


Understanding advances of generative AI and incorporating into model risk management to mitigate risk

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  • Looking at AI beyond a model risk management framework
  • Increasing training to understand generative AI to fill gaps
  • Risk management framework vs. model risk management framework
  • Identifying methods to put governance into action for generative AI
  • Addressing the multiple tools and business outcomes of generative AI
  • Utilizing generative AI to drive efficiency and testing technical aspects
  • Risk rating multiple generative AI type models
    • Including privacy and legal teams
  • Testing the accuracy of AI and generative AI


Developing an effective AI and machine learning model risk management program

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  • Increasing number of machine learning models and tools
  • Understanding different algorithms and methodologies
  • Defining who is responsible for machine learning model risk management
  • Data governance in developing machine models
  • Learning landscape and following regulatory changes
  • Machine learning beyond traditional model risk testing
    • Breaking down complexity in methodology, transparency, and technology
  • Understanding AI/ML methodologies and non-transparent principles
  • Approaching and identifying key risk factors to ensure AI/ML models are fit for purpose
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Aijun Zhang, SVP Machine Learning & Validation Engineering, Wells Fargo


Adapting traditional model risk frameworks to align with large language models

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  • Testing and validating large language models
  • Developing a forward-look approach to large language models
  • Understanding the complexity of generative models for large language model validation
  • Creating a platform to implement and develop large language models to mitigate risks
  • Managing large language models beyond regulatory reporting
  • Building use cases of large language models using NLP
  • Controlling large language models whilst leveraging their functions
  • Transparency and best practices for risk frameworks
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Agus Sudjianto, EVP, Head of Corporate Model Risk, Wells Fargo


Lunch break and networking


Assessing and monitoring AI, machine learning, and large language models to avoid bias and toxic results

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  • Safeguarding models to avoid reputational risk
  • Balancing model performance, robustness, and fairness
  • Going beyond traditional MRM functions to build models for explainability and bias testing
  • Managing uncertainties of acquiring data to ensure models are not biased
  • Transparency and explainability analysis within regulatory expectations
  • Having a consistent approach to bias and explainability
  • Managing stronger requirements for explainability of models in medium-to-long-term investing.
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Roderick Powell, SVP, Head of Model Risk Management, Ameris Bank


Understanding the methodology of black box models and increasing transparency

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  • Managing black box inputs and outputs
  • Machine learning tools outside of vendor black box models
    • Developing machine learning models and tools to validate internally
  • Validating machine learning models outside of black box models
  • Transparency with vendor black box models
  • Approaching black box models from a different perspective to further understand
    • Having a business approach
  • Obtaining documentation and tools from vendors to understand how the model performs well
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Seyhun Hepdogan, Director of Analytics,Fifth Third Bank

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Moez Hababou, Head of Compliance, CCAR and Credit Models, BNP Paribas

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Stephen Hsu, SVP, Head of Model Risk Management,  Pacific Western Bank

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Janet Shand, SVP & Director, Model Risk Management,  NYCB


Afternoon refreshment break and networking


Operationalizing governance best practices of AI and machine learning models

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  • Integrating skill sets and disciplines
  • Governing AI beyond a traditional model space
    • Dealing with ethics, intellectual properties, reputational risks, and cyber security
  • Psychology and linguistic experts to manage limitations of AI governance
  • Governing AI beyond use case dependency
  • Quantitative tools to measure and manage AI Modeling
  • Meaningfully managing and governing AI/ml with model expansion
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Rodanthy Tzani, VP, Head of Model Risk Management,New York Life insurance Company


Managing complexities with the ongoing expansion of model risk scope and inventory

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  • Putting enhancements in place to accommodate AI
  • Using 8 categories of Enterprise Risk Management for managing model governance and inventory
  • Considering generative AI in model risk inventory
  • Incorporating machine learning models into inventory
    • ChatGPT and Chatbots
  • Governance of new technologies and advanced models
  • Developing replacements for model risk management in inventory
  • Addressing the lack of inventory in risk management
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Chris Smigielski, Director of Model Risk Management, Arvest Bank


Chair’s closing remarks


End of day one and drinks reception

8:00 – 8:50

Registration and breakfast

8:50 – 9:00

Chair’s opening remarks

9:00 – 9:45

Managing models with continued volatility and geopolitical challenges and the impact of change

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  • Addressing threat rates to models
  • Impact of current world changes and changes in structures and capabilities
  • Managing models based on geopolitical challenges
    • S. election cycles, wars, European Union, stagflation in China
  • Addressing the energy crisis and the impact on model risk
  • Impact of high inflation and rising rates on models
  • Model function changes in high rate vs. low rate risk environments
  • Impact of investment strategies in modeling portfolios
    • Short-term investment vs. medium to long-term investing
  • Capturing data to manage the behavior of market regimes
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Alisa Rusanoff, Head of Credit, Crescendo Asset Management

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Julia Litvinova, Managing Director, Head of Model Validation and Analytic, State Street

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Deeptha Anand,  Head of Model Validation, Societe Generale 


Reviewing the impact of climate risk and incorporating within model risk management

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

C.Robin Castelli, Head of Transition Risk Model Development, Citi


Morning refreshment break and networking


Incorporating emerging credit risks into model risk management frameworks and measuring exposure

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  • Measuring model exposure to a high inflation environment
  • Limitations of models and anticipation of risks
  • Adapting concurrent views of model risk to mitigate counterparty credit risk
  • Incorporating modeling metrics into daily risk management
  • Incorporating overlays into models for credit risk management
  • Balance sheet and trading book positioning for decision-making
  • Alignment for business changes in the horizon on credit risk
  • Developing credit risk modeling strategies


Understanding how models are measuring interest rate exposure and recalibrating based on market changes

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  • Identifying key factors of interest rate risk that models need to capture
  • Adapting models for emerging risk using historical data
  • Adapting model risk processes to identify weaknesses in the framework
    • Addressing limitations imposed by regulators and monetary
  • Measuring risks accurately and having a sufficient view of measuring interest rate risk
  • Incorporating important and significant elements
    • ALM – data science problem vs. accounting problem
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Katherine Zhang, Managing Director,  State Street

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Charlie Lu, Former Managing Director, Head of AI/ML Model Risk Management, Barclays 


Lunch break and networking


Quantification of model risk and the aggregated model portfolio for end-to-end model risk management

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  • Assessing the overall risk of an interconnected model network
  • Developing a quantitative measurement beyond risk ratings
  • Practical and effective ways to quantify model risk
  • Understanding the importance of an aggregated model portfolio to mitigate emerging risks
  • Intersection and connection point between models
  • Verifying and monitoring the data between model
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Manoj Singh, Managing Director, Model Risk Officer,  Bank of America


Managing the evolution of data requirements as model requirements expand

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  • Incorporating Covid data into modeling
  • Controlling covid data
  • Updating models using credit loss forecasting models
    • Should Covid data be included in these?
  • Addressing unpredictable Covid data in the models
  • Ensuring models predict credit loss appropriately
  • Addressing credit loss due to unprecedented scenarios
    • Pandemics


Leveraging vendor models and building out effective oversight capabilities to align with internal governance and controls

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  • Understanding the risk and controls with third parties and model risk management
  • Building relationships with third parties for model risk management
    • Having transparency with third parties
    • Reviewing vendor documentations
  • Developing internal models to mitigate third-party risks
    • Capabilities and resources
  • Aligning with vendors to mitigate impacts and risk
  • Performance measures of vendor models
  • Model validation support to ensure new systems meets all requirement
    • Managing constant changes from the compliance side
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Hany Farag, Head of Modelling Methodology,  CIBC 


Afternoon refreshment break and networking


Strengthening model risk management through ongoing performance monitoring

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  • Regulatory expectations of ongoing performance monitoring of model risk
    • Tracking and validating model performance
  • Addressing the thresholds of ongoing model performance monitoring
    • Setting tolerance levels on performance
  • Incorporating automation in ongoing performance monitoring
  • Identifying risks between performance reviews
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Arthur Robb, Managing Director, Head of Model Risk Management,  TIAA-CREF


Managing the increase in fraud and financial crime tools in model risk management inventory

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  • Gathering data to govern and review financial crime tools
  • Fitting in tools into the traditional definition of models
  • Clearly defining financial crime models with regulatory expectations
  • Getting appropriate results from quantitative modeling tools
  • Evaluating conceptual soundness to ensure the model is fit for use
  • Including new dimensions and updating models to capture fraud
  • Capturing potential fraudulent events using fraud detection modeling
    • Building systems to flag potential threats
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Ankur Goel, SVP, Head of Consumer and Fraud Modelling, PNC


Chair’s closing remarks


End of Congress