Why should you attend?

CeFPro is excited to announce the launch of the 3rd Annual ESG Summit in London on February 28-29, 2024.

Over the past year, new challenges have arisen within ESG for banks in Europe and globally. This highly anticipated Summit aims to address these challenges through an impressive speaker faculty of a diverse range of global large and medium-sized institutions. Join senior experts as they discuss their experiences and insight on a range of key topics impacting the industry.

If you want to learn how current ESG and climate risk challenges impact firms and wider stakeholders, this event may be a must-attend for you and your colleagues.

Key highlights from the 2024 Summit

    Reviewing the role of the regulator and how regulation has evolved
    Understanding what climate scenarios firms should be testing against
    Monitoring the role of nature and biodiversity in meeting net zero targets
    Managing the scalability of voluntary carbon markets
    Analyzing how ESG strategy has been integrated within banks
    Operationalization of net zero targets that firms have committed to
    Ensuring sustainability is treated as a separate risk pillar
    Assessing how regulatory complications creates difficulty to use EU taxonomy

Hear from subject matter experts and industry front-runners

Participate in an interactive two day agenda with industry leaders

Deep dive into ESG with our interactive agenda consisting of 25+ C-suite professionals, senior directors and heads of risk.

Gain a better understanding and grasp of some of the biggest challenges firms are facing

Listen to our extensive speaker faculty as they address challenges including regulation, net zero operationalization, biodiversity, climate scenarios and much more.

Benefit from 7+ hours of networking with like-minded peers

After sessions are over, continue conversations within our networking breaks and complimentary cocktail hour. Network with colleagues, peers and event partners for a well-rounded view of key industry opportunities.

Key speakers for 2024


Venetia Bell
Chief Sustainability Officer
GIB Asset Management

Adam Webb

Adam Webb
Chief Operating Officer, Risk
ICBC Standard Bank Plc

Ella Chalfron

Ella Chalfon
MD, Group Sustainability

Gwen Yu

Gwendolyn Yu
ED, Global Markets Sustainability Center
J.P. Morgan


Michelle Auger
Sustainability Strategy Director
Wells Fargo

YSovgyra LBG

Yaroslav Sovgyra
Head of ESG Risk
Lloyds Banking Group

Gustavo Brianza

Gustavo Brianza
MD, ESG Advisory, Debt Advisory
Natwest Group

Jeroen Boss

 Jeroen Bos
Global Head of Sustainable Investing
Credit Suisse


Michelle Leavesley
Group Head of Sustainability
Admiral Insurance

Celia Lambert

Celia Lambert-Alcantra
Head of Sustainable Finance, ESG Compliance
Credit Agricole CIB

Just some of the organizations that have sent attendees in the past include:

Session previews and related insights

Get an insight of what to expect from the Summit with our past and present speaker session previews.

Nature risk and biodiversity: Integrating environmental sustainability into organizations

Nature risk and biodiversity: Integrating environmental sustainability into organizations Carl Moxley, Group Climate Director, Legal & General Below is an insight into what can be expected from Carl's session at Risk Evolve 2024. {{ vc_btn: title=Find+out+more+about+CeFPro%27s+Risk+Evolve+2024&style=outline-custom&outline_custom_color=%23001c64&outline_custom_hover_background=%23001c64&outline_custom_hover_text=%23ffffff&link=url%3Ahttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.cefpro.com%252Fforthcoming-events%252Frisk-evolve%252F }} The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the thought leader as an individual, and are not

Reviewing the continued evolution of the regulatory landscape and the role of the regulator

Reviewing the continued evolution of the regulatory landscape and the role of the regulator Arthur Carabia, Director of ESG Policy Research, Morningstar Sustainalytics Below is an insight into what was spoken about in Arthur's session at ESG Europe 2024. {{ vc_btn: title=Find+out+about+CeFPro%27s+Sustainable+Finance+2024&style=outline-custom&outline_custom_color=%23001c64&outline_custom_hover_background=%23001c64&outline_custom_hover_text=%23ffffff&link=url%3Ahttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.cefpro.com%252Fforthcoming-events%252Fsustainable-finance-europe%252F }} The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the thought

Reviewing changes within climate risk and inclusion within risk management practices and stress testing

Reviewing changes within climate risk and inclusion within risk management practices and stress testing Rocco Fanciullo, Head of Liquidity Risk Management, UniCredit SpA Below is an insight into what can be expected from Rocco's session at Risk Evolve 2024. {{ vc_btn: title=Find+out+more+about+CeFPro%27s+Risk+Evolve+2024&style=outline-custom&outline_custom_color=%23001c64&outline_custom_hover_background=%23001c64&outline_custom_hover_text=%23ffffff&link=url%3Ahttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.cefpro.com%252Fforthcoming-events%252Frisk-evolve%252F }} The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the thought

Adhering to multiple disclosure requirements across different standards and jurisdiction

Adhering to multiple disclosure requirements across different standards and jurisdiction Vesselina Haralampieva, Associate Director, Senior Counsel, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Below is an insight into what can be expected from Vesselina' session at ESG Europe Summit 2024. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the thought leader as an individual,


Would your organization like to partner with us on this event?

To discuss how we can deliver your thought-leadership at the event, help you generate leads, and provide you with unique networking and branding opportunities, please contact sales@cefpro.com or call us on +44 (0)207 164 6582 for more information.

Previous event partners include:

Content and media partners

CeFPro Connect, Knowledge sharing platform for risk professionals


8:00 – 8:50

Registration and breakfast

8:50 – 9:00

Chair’s opening remarks

9:00 – 9:45

Reviewing the continued evolution of the regulatory landscape and the role of the regulator

View Session Details

  • Understanding FCA’s updated sustainability disclosure regime
  • Reviewing implementing requirements of CSRD standard in January 2024
  • Understanding how CSDDD regulation impacts certain institutions
  • Implementation of SFDR requirements
  • Assessing ESRS
  • Divergence of regulation across regions
  • Delayed implementation of current regulations
  • Reviewing how excessive regulation is getting in the way of managing ESG
  • Viewing overregulation of UK and Europe as a challenge
Gustavo Brianza

Gustavo Brianza, MD, ESG Advisory, Debt Advisory, Natwest Group

Celia Lambert

Celia Lambert-Alcantra, Head of Sustainable Finance, ESG Compliance, Credit Agricole CIB


Nikhil Chouguley, former Global COO Sustainable Investing & EMEA ESG Lead, Citi

Mardi McBrien

Mardi McBrien, Chief of Strategic Affairs & Capacity Building, IFRS Foundation

9:45 – 10:20

Assessing the prioritization of risks within climate risk

View Session Details

  • Overlap of climate and ESG as a risk
  • The role monetary policy will play in integrating climate risk into other risks
  • Integrating climate risk into financial risk and assumptions
  • Introduction of distinguished climate indicators
  • Assessing how climate has impacted culture and the way firms view it
  • Lack of benchmarking under climate risk
  • Anticipating future emerging risk under climate risk


Morning refreshment break and networking


Understanding the role of nature & biodiversity in meeting net zero targets

View Session Details

  • Assessing the relationship between climate change and biodiversity loss
  • Measuring the five pressures under biodiversity and how they interact
  • Increased guidance and metrics in nature & biodiversity from the TNFD
  • Introduction of EU nature restoration act
  • Meeting objectives of the SDGs
  • KPIs to be used to drive nature degradation
  • Understanding key challenges in each ecosystem
    • Measuring a company’s overall impact on biodiversity
  • Calculating impacts on biodiversity and nature
  • Effectively viewing and measuring nature and biodiversity data
  • Lack of pricing and payback of investment on nature
  • Demands of increased financing of nature from stakeholders
  • Articulating how your firm is having a net positive impact
Gwen Yu

Gwendolyn Yu, Excutive Director, Global Markets Sustainability Center, J.P. Morgan

Julius Herfel

Julius Herfel, Head of Audit, International Regulatory & Second Line, BNY Mellon

Jakub Piorkowski

Jakub Piorkowski, Climate Change Director, Head of Net Zero and TCFD Analytics, Credit Suisse


Maya Hennerkes, Director, Green Financial Systems, Climate Strategy and Delivery, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)


Evolving from first and second generation models to fully embed climate risk into the decision making and risk management process

View Session Details

  • Reviewing challenges firms face to effectively model climate risk
  • Overcoming a lack of data to effectively model climate risk
  • Identification of better quality metrics and definition around modeling data
  • Overreliance of historic data on risk models
  • Challenge of capturing transition risks
  • Integrating external ratings in modeling
  • Implementation of own internal ratings models
  • Modeling time horizons

Natascha Golubovic, Executive Director, Model Risk Management & Control, UBS


Lunch break and networking


Understanding what climate scenarios firms should be testing their business against

View Session Details

  • Reviewing first generation of scenarios and how to improve them
  • Enhancing methodology of climate scenarios
  • Ensuring scenarios are sufficient and plausible for a convincing exercise
  • Consistent story telling on both physical and transition risks for effective scenario
  • Lack of understanding of physical risks for scenarios
  • Managing the expectations of stakeholders
  • Development of NGFS scenarios
David Hookings

David Hookings, Managing Director, Global Process Owner, Stress Testing, Standard Chartered


Leveraging stress testing to understand your exposure to climate risk

View Session Details

  • Stress testing climate risk to understand instantaneous market shocks
  • Effectively stressing your portfolio based on various climate scenarios
  • Reviewing the current market of stress testing tools
  • Overreliance on assumption driven stress testing
  • Data reliability from counterparties

Christoffer Kok, Head of Division, European Central Bank


Reviewing the scalability of voluntary carbon market

View Session Details

  • Leveraging carbon markets to help achieve net zero commitments
  • Ensuring carbon data is available and correct
  • Importance of internal cost and pricing of carbon
  • Difference of carbon pricing between different markets
  • Credibility and integrity of carbon credits
  • Understanding what carbon credits reflect
  • Case study of new technologies funded through carbon markets
V Bell GIB

Venetia Bell, Chief Sustainability Officer, GIB Asset Management


Reviewing an increase in scrutiny and litigations on environmental and ESG claims

View Session Details

  • Increase in greenhushing throughout the financial sector
  • Reviewing increased liabilities on institutions
  • Use of green labelling law in Europe to reduce greenwashing
  • Increased pressure from senior management
  • Reviewing how updated regulations will help reduce greenwashing and greenhushing
  • Lack of clear greenwashing criteria definitions
  • Increased reputational risk on financial reporting teams
  • Sub-topics of greenwashing
  • Using updated reporting standards to help reduce greenwashing
  • Determining whether disclosed data is trustworthy or not
  • Best practice to prevent the risk of greenwashing

Michelle Leavesley, Group Head of Sustainability, Admiral Insurance

Jeroen Boss

Jeroen Bos, Global Head of Sustainable Investing, Credit Suisse


Afternoon break and networking


Addressing the challenges of data clarity, consistency and reliability

View Session Details

  • Viewing recent regulations as a challenge when managing data
  • Lack of data integrity across a macro and micro level
  • Standardized view of managing data
  • Managing incomplete data sets
  • Reporting on updated indicators
  • Reliance on data published by clients
  • Automating the use of data to create scalable impacts
  • Importance of using science based ratings data in the future
  • Assessing how disclosure requirements will improve data quality
  • Comparing quantifiability of different types of data e.g. carbon vs social metrics
  • Reviewing how the data landscape will continue to evolve


Reviewing the development of diversity, inclusion and equality definitions

View Session Details

  • Importance of inclusion and representation within firms
  • Assessing social impact metrics
  • Development of a social taxonomy
  • Ensuring long term impacts of social change are planned for
  • Developing quantitative data points within the social space
  • Quantifying social data
  • Investing in themes that can help reduce social inequalities
  • Understand business opportunities from a social perspective
  • Determining what social assets look like
Emma Allen

Emma Allen, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging, UK Lead, Capital One


Chair’s closing remarks


End of day one and networking drinks reception

8:00 – 8:50

Registration and breakfast

8:50 – 9:00

Chair’s opening remarks

9:00 – 9:45

Maneuvering from net zero planning to implementation and operationalization of targets committed to

View Session Details

  • Understanding the impacts of operationalization targets on business and clients
  • Developing credible and deliverable transition plans to meet net zero targets
  • C-suite accountability in making plans a reality
  • Ascertaining that business activity is inline with net zero goals
  • Guidance from the TPT and NGSS
  • Benchmarking what net zero looks for the banking industry
  • Ensuring data availability and quality to make ongoing decisions
  • Cultural shift to meet net zero goals
  • Managing stakeholders interest
  • Assisting clients with net zero commitments and delivery
  • Viewing carbon and financial plan holistically
  • Emerging technologies within the net zero landscape
Ella Chalfron

Ella Chalfon, Managing Director, Group Sustainability, Nomura

Daniel Kricheff

Daniel Kricheff, Director, Global Credit Research, Sustainability, MetLife Investment Management

Kay Hope Head of ESG for Global Fixed Income Research Bank of America Speaker at ESG Europe

Kay Hope, Head of ESG for Global Fixed Income Reseach, Bank of America tbc

9:45 – 10:20

Importance of green, social and sustainability linked targets to meet transition goals

View Session Details

  • Understanding that firms are at different stages of transitioning
  • Regulatory role in transition planning
  • Enforced government policies to effectively transition
  • Transforming entire value chain to effectively transition
  • Understanding how different stakeholder can help drive transition
  • Assessing what is entailed with transitioning a clients business
  • Just transition from a socioeconomic perspective
  • Importance of public private partnership
  • Positioning investment market that encourages capital flow to supports transition
  • Ensuring appropriate governance in transition planning
  • Managing stranded assets as a financial risk of transitioning
Chang_Stephanie 5x7

Stephanie Chang, Head of Sustainable Investment Advisory and Integration, Schroders


Morning break and networking


Analyzing how ESG strategy has been integrated within banks

View Session Details

  • Ensuring ESG is effectively implemented into risk management to help meet net zero targets
  • Overcoming data challenges when integrating ESG to 2LOD
  • Quantification of ESG Risk
  • Transition from morale ESG to strategic ESG
  • Leveraging strategic ESG to improve your competitive position
  • Assessing how firms are reacting to a changing ESG environment
  • Transforming institutions to drive ESG agenda
  • Adopting strategy to keep in line with changing ESG narratives
  • Understanding why ESG concepts are being challenged
  • Broadness of ESG and sustainability as themes
  • Reviewing the opportunities of ESG investment
YSovgyra LBG

Yaroslav Sovgyra, Head of ESG Risk, Lloyds Banking Group


Assessing the landscape and inter-operability between current and upcoming reporting standards

View Session Details

  • Reviewing harmonization efforts of the ISSB
  • Incorporation of TNFD within the ISSB
  • Assessing new CSRD reporting standards
  • Introduction of nature related reporting framework
  • Joining sustainability and non-financial reporting with financial reporting
  • Guidance from regulator on how to reach a common standard
  • Creation of internal standards
  • Challenge when reporting to different standards


Adhering to multiple disclosure requirements across different standards and jurisdiction

View Session Details

  • Distinguishing what disclosures are taxonomy aligned and which ones are not
  • Understanding transition linked exposure of disclosures
  • Increased disclosure and indicator requirements
  • Standardized view of reporting disclosures
  • Increased requirements in disclosing green and ESG metrics
  • Limitations of impact reporting
  • Reporting disclosures inline with new regulations
  • Reviewing finance functions role in disclosures
  • Understanding how excessive reporting sidelines managing ESG risk
Adam Webb

Adam Webb, Chief Operating Officer, Risk, ICBC Standard Bank Plc


Rosalie Jegg, Associate Director, ESG Lead, UniCredit Bank AG


Vesselina Haralampieva, Associate Director, Senior Counsel, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)


Lunch break and networking


Assessing how complex regulations make it difficult to effectively use EU Taxonomy

View Session Details

  • Reviewing the updated European climate taxonomy
  • Introduction of a UK focused green taxonomy
  • Implementation challenges of new taxonomies
  • Operationalizing new taxonomies to be used as a tool for investors
  • Development of in-house taxonomies
  • Importance of taxonomy aligned rating
  • Difficulties investment firms face with implementing screening criteria

Ilan Jacobs, MD, ESG Policy, Regulation and Government Affairs, Citi

Sharon Blomendal

Sharon Bloemendal, Global Head of Sustainability Management, Treasury, ING

Foto: Mario Andreya / Deutsche Bank AG

Evgeny Tyurin, Head of ESG Finance and Corporate Bank FP&A, Deutsche Bank


Reviewing and treating sustainability as a separate risk pillar

View Session Details

  • Understanding the European Action Plan on sustainable finance
  • Reviewing sustainable standards set by EFRAG
  • Understanding SDR requirements as a regulatory shift for sustainability
  • Demonstrating contribution to sustainability
  • Understanding the risks of sustainability
  • Lack of rules and standards when reporting on sustainability data
  • Ensuring funds are channeled into sustainable projects
  • Meeting data needs when publishing sustainability reports
  • Increased greenwashing within sustainable finance
  • Innovative ways of integrating sustainability into portfolios and product’s

Michelle Auger, Sustainability Strategy Director, Wells Fargo


Afternoon break and networking


Reviewing the increased use of sustainability linked product

View Session Details

  • Leveraging sustainability products as a financing tool
  • Robustness of KPIs in sustainability linked products
  • Difference between sustainability linked products and normal bonds
  • FCA article on robustness of sustainability linked products
  • Reputational and financial linked incentives of sustainability linked products
Professional photo 3

Saad Malik, Sustainability Director, Business & Commercial Banking, Lloyds Banking Group


Assessing the geopolitical challenges across jurisdictions

View Session Details

  • Understanding how increased politics in US can influence other regions
  • Increased threat of legal action and litigation in the US
  • Consequences of geopolitics on global firms
  • ESG political environment in the UK and Europe
  • Political divergences between firms
  • Geopolitical impact on the growth of ESG


Chair’s closing remarks


End of day two

2024 Speakers

Hear from subject matter experts and industry thought leaders

Celia Lambert

Celia Lambert-Alcantra
Head of Sustainable Finance, ESG Compliance
Credit Agricole CIB

Emma Allen

Emma Allen
Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging, UK Lead
Capital One


Michelle Auger
Sustainability Strategy Director
Wells Fargo


Venetia Bell
Chief Sustainability Officer
GIB Asset Management

Sharon Blomendal

Sharon Bloemendal
Global Head of Sustainability Management, Treasury,

Jeroen Boss

Jeroen Bos
Global Head of Sustainable Investing
Credit Suisse

Gustavo Brianza

Gustavo Brianza
MD, ESG Advisory, Debt Advisory
Natwest Group

Ella Chalfron

Ella Chalfon
Managing Director, Group Sustainability

Chang_Stephanie 5x7

Stephanie Chang
Head of Sustainable Investment Advisory and Integration


Nikhil Chouguley
former Global COO Sustainable Investing & EMEA ESG Lead


Natascha Golubovic
Executive Director, Model Risk Management & Control


Vesselina Haralampieva
Associate Director, Senior Counsel
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

Julius Herfel

Julius Herfel
Head of Audit, International Regulatory & Second Line
BNY Mellon


Maya Hennerkes
Director, Green Financial Systems, Climate Strategy and Delivery
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

David Hookings

David Hookings
Managing Director, Global Process Owner, Stress Testing
Standard Chartered

Kay Hope Head of ESG for Global Fixed Income Research Bank of America Speaker at ESG Europe

Kay Hope
Head of ESG for Global Fixed Income Research
Bank of America tbc


Ilan Jacobs
Managing Director, ESG Policy, Regulation and Government Affairs


Rosalie Jegg
Associate Director, ESG Lead
UniCredit Bank AG


Christoffer Kok
Head of Division
European Central Bank

Daniel Kricheff

Daniel Kricheff
Director, Global Credit Research, Sustainability
MetLife Investment Management


Michelle Leavesley
Group Head of Sustainability
Admiral Insurance

Professional photo 3

Saad Malik
Sustainability Director, Business & Commercial Banking
Lloyds Banking Group

Mardi McBrien

Mardi McBrien
Chief of Strategic Affairs & Capacity Building 
IFRS Foundation

Jakub Piorkowski

Jakub Piorkowski
Climate Change Director, Head of Net Zero and TCFD Analytics
Credit Suisse

YSovgyra LBG

Yaroslav Sovgyra
Head of ESG Risk
Lloyds Banking Group

Foto: Mario Andreya / Deutsche Bank AG

Evgeny Tyurin
Head of ESG Finance and Corporate Bank FP&A
Deutsche Bank

Adam Webb

Adam Webb
Chief Operating Officer, Risk
ICBC Standard Bank Plc

Gwen Yu

Gwendolyn Yu
Executive Director, Global Markets Sustainability Center
J.P. Morgan

Would your organization like to partner with us on this event?

To discuss how we can deliver your thought-leadership at the event, help you generate leads, and provide you with unique networking and branding opportunities, please contact sales@cefpro.com or call us on +44 (0)207 164 6582 for more information.

Just some of the organizations that have sponsored ESG in the past include:

Venue & FAQs

The venue will be announced shortly, though will be situated in the City of London.
Register for updates to be kept informed of any changes.

Can I share my thought leadership at ESG Europe?

CeFPro are happy to discuss speaking opportunities at the ESG Europe Summit. For further information on this please contact production@cefpro.com if you are from a financial institutions / sales@cefpro.com if you are an information/service provider or call us on +44 (0)207 164 6582.

Will there be opportunities to network with other attendees?

There are ample opportunities for networking and interaction throughout the Summit, such as:

  • Breakfast, lunch and refreshment breaks
  • Drinks reception at the end of day-1
  • Q&As, panel discussions, and audience participation technology

What is included within the registration fee?

Registration includes breakfast, refreshment breaks, lunches, the drinks reception at the end of day-1, full access to the sessions and exhibition area. Presentations from the sessions are also available via our post-event website, available on CeFPro Connect under Course Materials once the Summit has taken place.

Where can I find the Summit documentation and speaker presentations?

All registered attendees will receive an email with access to documentation and speaker presentations after the Summit* We will work with our presenters to include as many presentations as possible on our App during the Summit.

*Please note that our speakers often have to gain permission from their relevant compliance departments to release their presentations. On rare occasions compliance may not allow presentations to be distributed.

Will breakfast, lunch and refreshment be provided?

Yes. As with all of our events the Center for Financial Professionals will be providing brilliant coffee, breakfast, lunch, refreshments, and smaller bites during the networking breaks.

Are there any rules on dress code?

Business attire is requested. The Summit is a formal opportunity to network with like-minded professionals and to gain knowledge from the industry’s finest risk management experts.


Register for ESG Europe today and join the likes of 150+ industry professionals and subject matter experts looking to engage in meaningful conversation and discuss the latest developments and challenges within the rapidly expanding ESG sector.

Register now and take advantage of our Launch rate offer and secure your place at the lowest rate possible.

Don’t miss out, we only have a limited number of tickets available.

Need assistance with your registration? Get in touch with us via email below, or call us on +44 (0)207 164 6582.

Super early bird rate | Expires Nov 17

Representing a financial institution or government body
Save up to £700

E.g. Bank, Insurance company, Asset manager, Regulator

Representing an information or service provider
Save up to £900

E.g. Consultant, Vendor, Executive search firm, Law firm

Prices do not include VAT.

* To qualify for the preferential ‘early bird’ rates, registration must be received by the close of the ‘early bird’ working day, and payment can be made at the time of registering, or up to a week after registration is made an invoice sent. CeFPro reserves the right to increase rates should payment be delayed significantly. Should a delegate register at a rate that is inaccurate, CeFPro reserves the right to issue an additional invoice for the outstanding amount. All prices are subject to UK VAT, currently at 20%