Mastering third-party risk: Your essential guide to compliance and resilience

Unlock the secrets to navigating today’s regulatory landscape and fortify your institution against evolving risks with our exclusive webinar and whitepaper collaboration, offering actionable insights and strategies for interagency compliance and resilience in the digital era.

Adapting to new regulatory challenges: Enhancing third-party risk management

Unlock the secrets to navigating today’s complex regulatory landscape! Join our exclusive on-demand webinar, where a panel of industry experts will delve into the latest research from CeFPro and Interos.

Discover how top financial services risk professionals are responding to the Expanded Interagency Guidance for Third-Party Relationships. This must-watch session will equip you with vital insights on managing increased regulatory scrutiny across ventures, fintech collaborations, and business partnerships, especially amidst the growing threat of digital supply chain attacks.

Register for free and gain exclusive access to our on-demand webinar, available to watch any time, anywhere,

Expand your understanding and dive deeper into our findings by reading our recently released whitepaper, created in collaboration with Interos. Explore how financial services institutions can protect themselves as risk management stakes continue to rise.

Unlock the insights that will reshape your risk management approach and propel your institution toward success.

Register below to gain free access to our on-demand webinar:



Naveen Balakrishnan
VP, Head of Global Third Party Management
TD Bank
TPRM Advisory Board member

Patrick Van Hull

Patrick Van Hull
Industry Principle

Rodney Campbell, Head of Third Party, National Valley Bank

Rodney Campbell
former SVP – Head of Third Party Risk Management
Valley Bank
TPRM Advisory Board member

What will this webinar cover?

Regulatory oversight expansion

Impact on TPRM programs

Compliance confidence and consequences

Onboarding and monitoring gaps

Budgetary constraints

Enterprise change for risk management

Key audience takeaways

  • Learn about the final interagency guidelines that expand regulatory scrutiny to a wider array of third parties, necessitating enhanced monitoring and reporting mechanisms.
  • Discover the challenges and necessary adjustments for institutions with varying levels of Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) program maturity, especially those needing rapid scalability.
  • Hear insights on how institutions are preparing to meet new guidelines, with a focus on the serious consequences of non-compliance, including brand and reputational risks.
  • Explore the well-defined onboarding processes versus the significant gaps in ongoing monitoring, particularly in fintech relationships.
  • Discuss the constraints TPRM teams face in terms of limited budgets and the imperative to achieve compliance efficiently.
  • Understand the need for institutions to drive enterprise-level changes to improve TPRM operating models, pre-empting third-party risk and disruptions that could have massive economic impacts.

Whitepaper: Protecting FSIs as risk management stakes grow

Are you ready to tackle the escalating challenges in third-party risk management? Our latest whitepaper, “Protecting FSIs as risk management stakes grow,” offers essential insights and strategies to help financial services institutions navigate the new interagency guidelines.

As regulatory oversight expands to encompass a broader spectrum of third-party relationships, including ventures and fintech partnerships, the financial services industry faces unprecedented challenges.

Explore the nuanced impacts of these regulations, from scaling TPRM programs to mitigating brand and reputational risks. Delve into the findings of our comprehensive survey, revealing insights into the industry’s readiness to meet regulatory expectations and the critical gaps in ongoing monitoring processes.

With comprehensive analyses, real-world case studies, and actionable recommendations, this whitepaper is your roadmap to resilience in an era of heightened regulatory scrutiny. Empower your institution for success.

About Interos

Interos is the AI-first supply chain resilience company – creating the most trusted and transparent supply chains in the world. Our pioneering scoring and relationship discovery technologies enable customers to automate risk assessment, detection, and response. As the world’s only fully automated supply chain resilience platform, we protect organizations from regulatory violations, unethical labor, cyber-attacks, bankruptcy, catastrophe, and other supplier vulnerabilities. Interos serves a variety of commercial, government, and public sector customers around the world.