Why should you attend?

Come and join CeFPro® as we proudly launch our 10th Edition Vendor and Third Party Risk Summit in the City of London June 12-13th 2024. Selling out yearly and highly anticipated, Vendor & Third Party Risk Europe is the must-attend conference for TPRM professionals to extend their knowledge on how to manage, mitigate, and navigate risks down your supply chain.

Gain insight from 25+ TPRM professionals as they delve into key challenges being faced within the industry through in-depth presentations and lively panel discussions. From evolving regulations in the environment to the implementation of AI into supply chains, our carefully curated agenda can assist with ensuring best practices and augmenting your knowledge of potential risks on the horizon.

Key highlights for 2024

  • DORA:
    Approaches to managing EU DORA implementations and timelines
    Managing critical third party regimes to align with operational resilience
    Enhancing exit plans to align with regulatory expectations
    Managing cybersecurity risks in the supply chain and identifying weaknesses
    Holistic view down the supply chain to enhance security
    Developing best practice to manage intragroup arrangements
  • AI:
    Exploring usage of AI within TPRM and developing approaches to manage supply chains
    Impact of geopolitical risks and manage the impacts as they evolve

Hear from subject matter experts and industry front-runners

Join us for an engaging, timely and carefully curated agenda across 2-days

Join us for an engaging, timely, and carefully curated agenda across 2-days. Our agenda ensures a deep dive into Vendor & Third Party Risk Management through presentations, panel discussions, and live Q&A’s.

Learn from our line-up of industry thought leaders as they share their expertise

Learn from our line-up of industry thought leaders as they share their expertise. Gain insight and knowledge from 30+ subject-matter experts and return to your department with actionable ideas and best practices.

Continue conversations with our 7+ hour networking opportunity.

Continue conversations with over 7 hours of networking. Benefit from 6  networking breaks across the two days, plus a complimentary drinks reception. Continue discussions beyond the auditorium and create industry connections.

Key speakers


Gerard Doyle,
Chief Operating Officer, Head of Third Party, Operational Resilience and OCIR
Credit Suisse


Gemma Stewart
Global Head of Vendor Management
Zurich Insurance Company


Gary Lock
Global Head of Third Party Risk Management
Fidelity International


David Sheridan
Global Chief Information Security Officer
Santander Corporate and Investment Banking


Zuzana Rebrova
Head of Third Party Cyber Risk Management
Swiss Re


Saima Sabir
Group Head of Third Party Risk Management & Outsourcing (2LOD)
Bank of Ireland Group


Maya Goethals
Director, Compliance and Risk Management
Bank of America Merrill Lynch


Orlando Fernandez Ruiz
Senior Technical Specialist, Operational Resilience/TPRM, Prudential Policy
Bank of England


Sophie Bishop
Head of Supplier Relationship Management
Legal & General


Samikendra Gosh
Global Third Party Risk Lead, Operational Resilience Risk

Session previews and related insights

Get an insight of what to expect from the Summit with our past and present speaker session previews.

Beyond the scoring: Managing the third and fourth party attack surface

Beyond the scoring: Managing the third and fourth party attack surface Will Gray, Area Director Europe North, SecurityScorecard Below is an insight into what can be expected from Will's session at Vendor & Third Party Risk Europe. {{ vc_btn: title=Find+out+more+about+CeFPro%27s+Vendor+%26amp%3B+Third+Party+Risk+Europe+2024&style=outline-custom&outline_custom_color=%23001c64&outline_custom_hover_background=%23001c64&outline_custom_hover_text=%23ffffff&link=url%3Ahttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.cefpro.com%252Fforthcoming-events%252Fvendor-third-party-risk-europe%252F }} The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the thought leader as an

Enhancing due diligence and assessment practices to obtain and develop actionable insights

Enhancing due diligence and assessment practices to obtain and develop actionable insights Codee Woo, Third Party Risk Management Lead, Legal & General Laura Faure, Third Party Risk Manager, Legal & General Below is an insight into what can be expected from Codee's session at Vendor & Third Party Risk Europe. {{ vc_btn: title=Find+out+more+about+CeFPro%27s+Vendor+%26amp%3B+Third+Party+Risk+Europe+2024&style=outline-custom&outline_custom_color=%23001c64&outline_custom_hover_background=%23001c64&outline_custom_hover_text=%23ffffff&link=url%3Ahttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.cefpro.com%252Fforthcoming-events%252Fvendor-third-party-risk-europe%252F }} The views and

Increasing collaboration across teams to monitor risk throughout the lifecycle

Increasing collaboration across teams to monitor risk throughout the lifecycle Simon Shepherd, Managing Director, MYRIAD Group Technologies Below is an insight into what can be expected from Simon's session at Vendor & Third Party Risk Europe. {{ vc_btn: title=Find+out+more+about+CeFPro%27s+Vendor+%26amp%3B+Third+Party+Risk+Europe+2024&style=outline-custom&outline_custom_color=%23001c64&outline_custom_hover_background=%23001c64&outline_custom_hover_text=%23ffffff&link=url%3Ahttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.cefpro.com%252Fforthcoming-events%252Fvendor-third-party-risk-europe%252F }} The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the thought leader as an

The ever-changing role of third party risk management

The ever-changing role of third party risk management Branan Cooper, TPRM Consultant Below is an insight into the role of third party risk management, with a highlight into how the it has developed over the years. Discover more at Vendor & Third Party Risk USA. {{ vc_btn: title=Find+out+more+about+CeFPro%27s+Vendor+%26amp%3B+Third+Party+Risk+USA+2024&style=outline-custom&outline_custom_color=%23001c64&outline_custom_hover_background=%23001c64&outline_custom_hover_text=%23ffffff&link=url%3Ahttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.cefpro.com%252Fforthcoming-events%252Fvendor-third-party-risk-usa%252F }} The views and opinions expressed in

Take a look at what was said at last year's event

Would your organization like to partner with us on this event?

To discuss how we can deliver your thought-leadership at the event, help you generate leads, and provide you with unique networking and branding opportunities, please contact sales@cefpro.com or call us on +44 (0)207 164 6582 for more information.

2024 Sponsors


Aravo logo
Security Scorecard are co-sponsors to Third Party & Supply Chain Risk USA by CeFPro Events

Associate sponsors


Content and media partners

CeFPro Connect, Knowledge sharing platform for risk professionals


8:00 – 8:50

Registration and breakfast

8:50 – 9:00

Chair’s opening remarks

9:00 – 9:35

Balancing compliance with risk management in an increasingly complex regulatory environment

View Session Details

  • Reviewing the regulatory landscape over the next 2 years
  • Aligning business processes with regulatory expectations
    • Alignment with risk tolerance and appetite
  • Future-proofing supplier relationships to meet regulation
  • Understanding impact of regulation on the organization
  • Aligning increasing regulatory requirements
    • Operational resilience, cyber resilience, NIST, EU AI Act, GDPR etc.
  • Minimum requirements to ensure alignment with all changes
  • Managing variations in templates and reporting expectations
  • Prioritizing changes and expectations

Gerard Doyle, Chief Operating Officer, Head of Third Party, Operational Resilience and OCIR, Credit Suisse

9:35 – 10:20

Advancing exit plans aligned with current and future expected regulatory requirements

View Session Details

  • Developing stressed and unstressed exit plans
  • Determining what is proportionate
    • Exit plans at service level for organizations providing multiple services
  • Reviewing expectations for cloud service providers
  • Identifying gaps on service and impact to customer
  • Reviewing timelines for compliance and benchmarking progress
  • Documenting all services and reliance of third party
    • Leveraging expertise internally and within suppliers
  • Updating contracts to include stressed exit plan provisions
  • Managing the practical realities of supplier failure
  • Monitoring financial stability of third parties
  • Setting risk appetite for supplier or service outages
  • Minimizing duplication of work for bank wide vs individual third party exit plans

Jean-Marc Boulo, Director, Head of Global Sourcing & Procurement UK, Credit Agricole


Anne McGowan, Head of Supplier Management, Governance & Risk, Lloyds Banking Group


Anita Barber, VP, Supplier Management, HSBC


Morning refreshment break and networking

10:50 – 11:25

Developing an integrated approach to business continuity and disaster recovery planning

View Session Details

  • Substitutability and business continuity
  • Identifying suppliers with a monopoly on certain markets
    • Reviewing alternative options
  • Enhancing SLAs for Monopoly Suppliers
    • Monitoring overall performance
  • Managing transition across suppliers in stressed and unstressed exit
    • Developing a seamless exit strategy
  • Enhancing business continuity plans
    • Developing immediate contingency plans to support exit plans
  • Practical steps for implementing contingency plans

Will Gray, Area Director Europe North, SecurityScorecard

11:25 – 12:00

Reviewing future treatment of critical third parties as regulated entities

View Session Details

  • Defining critical third parties in line with regulatory requirements
  • Implementing legislation within timelines
  • Managing cost and reporting implementation
    • Implementing in a proportionate way
  • Identifying potential concentration or systemic risk
  • Management of critical services that don’t meet the definition of outsourcing
  • Potential to increase efficiency in the industry with pooled information
  • Impact of frequency of reporting and granularity of data
    • Implementing expectations into an efficient process

Orlando Fernandez Ruiz, Senior Technical Specialist, Operational Resilience/TPRM, Prudential Policy, Bank of England (tbc)

12:00 – 12:35

Embedding and implementing resilience in third party and supply chain risk management

View Session Details

  • Reviewing links between resilience and third party risk
  • Translating impact tolerances into something measurable
  • Inventorying IT assets and linking to service
    • Outreach to resolve incidents
  • Developing maturity in resilience practices
  • Reviewing cross-impact of resilience regulations
    • Understanding downstream and upstream impacts
  • Developing strong vendor relationships
    • Communicating risk appetite and monitoring activities
  • Enhancing industry collaboration

12:35 – 1:35

Lunch break and networking

1:35 – 2:20

Reviewing practical implementation approaches for EU DORA regulation and regional variations

View Session Details

  • Working with suppliers in order to meet requirements
  • Reviewing global operational resilience requirements
  • Managing vast scale of change
  • Undertaking gap analysis to define expectations
  • Enhancing inventories and controls
  • Managing additional governance and documentation requirements
  • Centralizing teams and assessments at a group level
    • Enhancing relationship management with single point of contact
  • Reviewing impact to fintech companies: How are fintech’s adopting the new requirements

Sophie Bishop, Head of Supplier Relationship Management, Legal & General


Mihaela Breg, Head of Operational Resilience & Third Party Oversight, Europe Arab Bank

2:20 – 2:55

Gaining a full view of concentration risk: Minimizing and monitoring geographic and organization concentrations

View Session Details

  • Varying nature of concentration risk
  • Identifying company and jurisdictional concentrations
  • Monitoring geopolitical risk and impact to supply base
  • Approaches to map data to identify concentration risk
    • Tools available to map data
  • Increased concentration in areas with heightened geopolitical tension
  • Collecting data to visualize concentration
    • Leveraging data to inform sourcing decisions

Gemma Stewart, Global Head of Vendor Management, Zurich Insurance Company

2:55 – 3:30

Enhancing continuous monitoring processes for a holistic and real time view of risk

View Session Details

  • Tools for continuous and online monitoring
    • Managing and monitoring tools
  • Alerts to monitor all third parties
  • Monitoring SLAs and compliance
  • Building in operational resilience
  • Online monitoring for real time global updates
  • Developing a holistic view of supply chain
  • Reviewing tools and capabilities

Carlos Colino,  MD, Global Head of Third-Party Risk Management, Santander Corporate and Investment Bank

3:30 – 4:00

Afternoon refreshment break and networking

4:00 – 4:35

Enhancing due diligence and assessment practices to obtain and develop actionable insights

View Session Details

  • Protecting reputation through effective due diligence
  • Conducting due diligence down the supply chain
    • Assurance requirements for 4th to Nth parties
  • Monitoring for conflict of interest breaches
  • Validating due diligence questionnaires
  • Determining the right level of risk assessment and due diligence for third party arrangements
  • Reviewing due diligence processes and action on risk and issues identified
    • Demonstrating effective monitoring and remediation of risks
  • Due diligence for organizations needed for immediate strategic benefit
    • Minimizing process time for faster turnaround
  • Managing vendor overload
  • Industry collaboration opportunities to streamline processes
  • Reducing manual collection of data and information

Codee Woo, Strategic Supplier Risk Management, Legal & General

4:35 – 5:20

Increasing collaboration across teams to monitor risk across the lifecycle

View Session Details

  • Distinguishing primary risk from cascading or downstream risk
  • Increasing collaboration and communication across risk teams
    • Ensuring an integrated approach
  • Identifying, tracking and managing risks
  • Moving from activity to risk based metrics
    • Enhancing governance by focusing on risk over activity
  • Gaining support from the business and effective tone from the top
  • Developing a holistic third party risk management reporting program
  • Integrating dashboards across third party risk
  • Bringing all data into one place for third party risk management

Samikendra Gosh, Global Third-Party Risk Lead, Operational and Resilience Risk,  HSBC


Gary Lock, Global Head of Third-Party Risk Management,  Fidelity International


Alex Dorlandt,  Head of Supply Chain Risk Management, Lloyds Banking Group


Chair’s closing remarks


End of day one and networking drinks reception

8:00 – 8:50

Registration and breakfast

8:50 – 9:00

Chair’s opening remarks

9:00 – 9:45

Reviewing implications of geopolitical tensions to supply chains and future proofing business strategies

View Session Details

  • Maintaining oversight of restrictions and impact to third parties
  • Considering geopolitical risk when working with new suppliers
  • Approaches to assess the geopolitical risks for proactive management of risk
  • Developing and testing business continuity arrangements
  • Interconnected nature of risk and compliance
    • Reviewing sanctions regimes in jurisdictions and data privacy
  • Uses of AI in monitoring geopolitical risks
  • Developing a forward looking strategic view of TPRM
  • Reviewing supply chain dependencies as a result of long term horizon risks
  • Scenario planning for geopolitical changes
    • Exploring impacts across the supply chain and resilience

Saima Sabir, Group Head of Third-Party Risk Management & Outsourcing (2LOD), Bank of Ireland Group


Luca Bolcato,  Head of Global Procurement Policies and Risks, ING (tbc)


Maya Goethals,  Director, Compliance and Risk Management, Bank of America Merrill Lynch

9:45 – 10:20

Monitoring supply chains to ensure adherence with internal ESG goals and standards

View Session Details

  • Evaluating ESG risks in third-party relationships
  • Strategies for ensuring ESG Compliance of suppliers
  • The importance of reporting
  • Using TPRM to manage our own ESG commitments
  • Case study of how inadequate consideration of ESG can negatively impact outsourced processes and TPRM

Julius Herfel, Head of Audit –International Regulatory & Second Line, BNY Mellon

10:20 – 10:50

Morning refreshment break and networking

10:50 – 11:15

Explore the use of artificial intelligence within TPRM 

View Session Details

  • Consider How AI should and should not be used in TPRM
  • Review practical application through real-world use cases
  • Assess the impacts and benefits for you and your Third Parties
  • Identify roles and functions that will be affected
  • Evaluate the risks of implementing AI into TPRM

Brian Shaw, Director of Financial Services Sales, Mirato

11:25 – 12:00

AI Session Two
Developing approaches and controls to monitor the use of AI across supply chain

View Session Details

  • Developing controls for uses of AI across supply chain
  • Developing strategies for third parties leveraging OpenAI
    • Managing those with access to data
  • Information to obtain from third parties using AI
  • Understanding how suppliers are using AI
  • Impact of use of AI on cloud management
  • Ensuring data and core information remains safe and well controlled
  • Monitoring data uses within generative AI tooling
    • Controls to ensure information is accurate and free of bias
  • Protecting data without impacting business process and development
  • Managing risks across jurisdictions and governments

12:00 – 12:35

Gaining a holistic view of supply chain and ensuring security of processes and services

View Session Details

  • Leveraging tools to monitor vulnerabilities across the supply chain
  • Understanding impact of security incidents across the supply chain
  • Gaining confidence from third parties
  • Identifying impacts of nth party breaches
  • Managing security with complex supply chains

Zuzana Rebrova, Head of Third Party Cyber Risk Management , Swiss Re

12:35 – 1:35

Lunch break and networking

1:35 – 2:10

Enhancing security around SaaS and identifying vulnerabilities across suppliers

View Session Details

  • Reviewing security across the supply chain and software security
  • Vulnerabilities when buying and using Software as a Service
  • Security with increased adoption of technology
    • Heightened use of cloud and migration of applications or systems
  • Developing a clear inventory of software
  • Managing risks with greater use of cloud
    • Alignment of contingency and exit planning for cloud service providers

Jean-Francois Valette, CTPO EMEA, JPMorgan Chase & Co.

2:10 – 2:45

Understanding increased cyber risk with complexity in supply chains and increased use of ransomware

View Session Details

  • Identifying weaknesses in vendor systems
  • Understanding end to end supply chain
  • Interaction and oversight of fourth parties
    • Tracking data across supply chain
  • Threat modeling to understand how the service works
  • Understanding global landscape and increased geopolitical risk
  • Developing strong monitoring, assessment and contract clauses
    • Inclusion of cyber security clauses
  • Future of cyber security agency for critical third parties
  • Aligning programs with consumer duty to keep customers at the center
  • Ensuring third party systems are as robust as internal systems

David Sheridan, Global Chief Information Security Officer, Santander Corporate and Investment Banking

2:45 – 3:20

Developing centralized and aggregated data processes to better use of available data

View Session Details

  • Leveraging compliance data from third party assessments and due diligence
  • Monitoring threat intelligence to identify vulnerabilities
  • Integrating other parts of the business into vendor management analysis
  • Collecting data on vendor performance
    • Approaches to collect the right data to satisfy regulatory requirements
  • Maintaining data in a centralized and structured platform
    • Accessibility for regulatory reviews
  • Developing a data consolidation and remediation program
    • Reviewing tooling available to manage data
  • Capturing information and connectivity between different sources
    • Structuring and cleansing data for a consolidated view of key attributes
  • Developing proactive and preemptive data metrics and insights

3:20 – 3:50

Afternoon refreshment break and networking

3:50 – 4:25

Leveraging technology to scan news and media for alerts and monitoring of trends

View Session Details

  • Automating media scans for all suppliers
  • Monitoring news for trends
  • Identifying opportunities
  • Enhancing efficiency through AI
  • Ensuring well rounded view with positive and negativity monitoring
  • Setting up alerts to aid in negotiation and ongoing monitoring
  • Aligning teams to communicate incidents globally

4:25 – 5:10

Reviewing approaches and best practice for intragroup arrangements and management of sensitive data

View Session Details

  • Managing materiality trigger aligned with access to sensitive data
  • Reviewing regulatory treatment of inter group agreements
    • Developing exit and resilience plans
  • Treatment of personal data in internal agreements
  • Assessing and defining materiality for intragroup
  • Developing BAU programs to assess risk
  • Onboarding expertise to review deviation opportunities whilst remaining compliant.

Funke Uwaifo, Head of Outsourcing and Vendor Management, EFG Private Bank


Raghuveer Bhanoori, Director, Third-Party, Operational Risk, Pacific Life Re


Jean-Francois Valette, CTPO EMEA, JPMorgan Chase & Co.

5:10 – 5:20

Chair’s closing remarks


End of Vendor & Third-Party Europe 2024



Anita Barber
VP, Supplier Management


Raghuveer Bhanoori
Director, Third-Party, Operational Risk
 Pacific Life Re


Sophie Bishop
Head of Supplier Relationship Management,
Legal & General


Jean-Marc Boulo
Director, Head of Global Sourcing & Procurement UK
 Credit Agricole


Luca Bolcato
 Head of Global Procurement Policies and Risks
 ING (tbc)


Mihaela Breg
 Head of Operational Resilience & Third Party Oversight
 Europe Arab Bank


Carlos Colino
MD, Global Head of Third-Party Risk Management
Santander Corporate and Investment Bank


Alex Dorlandt
Head of Supply Chain Risk Management
Lloyds Banking Group


Gerard Doyle
Chief Operating Officer, Head of Third Party, Operational Resilience and OCIR
 Credit Suisse


Maya Goethals
Director, Compliance and Risk Management
Bank of America Merrill Lynch


Samikendra Gosh
Global Third-Party Risk Lead, Operational and Resilience Risk


Will Gray
Area Director Europe North


Julius Herfel
Head of Audit –International Regulatory & Second Line
BNY Mellon


Gary Lock
Global Head of Third-Party Risk Management
Fidelity International


Anne McGowan
Head of Supplier Management, Governance & Risk
Lloyds Banking Group


Zuzana Rebrova
Head of Third Party Cyber Risk Management
Swiss Re


Orlando Fernandez Ruiz
Senior Technical Specialist, Operational Resilience/TPRM, Prudential PolicyPartner
 Bank of England (tbc)


Brian Shaw
Director of Financial Services Sales  


Gemma Stewart
Global Head of Vendor Management
Zurich Insurance Company


Saima Sabir
Group Head of Third-Party Risk Management & Outsourcing (2LOD)
Bank of Ireland Group


David Sheridan
Global Chief Information Security Officer
Santander Corporate and Investment Banking


Funke Uwaifo
Head of Outsourcing and Vendor Management
EFG Private Bank


Jean-Francois Valette
JPMorgan Chase & Co.


Codee Woo
Strategic Supplier Risk Management
Legal & General

Would your organization like to partner with us on this event?

To discuss how we can deliver your thought-leadership at the event, help you generate leads, and provide you with unique networking and branding opportunities, please contact sales@cefpro.com or call us on +44 (0)207 164 6582 for more information.

2024 Sponsors


Aravo logo
Security Scorecard are co-sponsors to Third Party & Supply Chain Risk USA by CeFPro Events

Associate sponsors


Content and media partners

CeFPro Connect, Knowledge sharing platform for risk professionals

Venue & FAQs

Houndsditch 133

Can I share my thought leadership at Vendor & Third Party Risk Europe?

CeFPro are happy to discuss speaking opportunities at the Vendor & Third Party Risk Europe Summit. For further information on this please contact production@cefpro.com if you are from a financial institutions / sales@cefpro.com if you are an information/service provider or call us on +44 (0)207 164 6582.

Will there be opportunities to network with other attendees?

There are ample opportunities for networking and interaction throughout the Summit, such as:

  • Breakfast, lunch and refreshment breaks
  • Drinks reception at the end of day-1
  • Q&As, panel discussions, and audience participation technology

What is included within the registration fee?

Registration includes breakfast, refreshment breaks, lunches, the drinks reception at the end of day-1, full access to the sessions and exhibition area. Presentations from the sessions are also available via our post-event website, available on CeFPro Connect under Course Materials once the Summit has taken place.

Where can I find the Summit documentation and speaker presentations?

All registered attendees will receive an email with access to documentation and speaker presentations after the Summit* We will work with our presenters to include as many presentations as possible on our App during the Summit.

*Please note that our speakers often have to gain permission from their relevant compliance departments to release their presentations. On rare occasions compliance may not allow presentations to be distributed.

Will breakfast, lunch and refreshment be provided?

Yes. As with all of our events the Center for Financial Professionals will be providing brilliant coffee, breakfast, lunch, refreshments, and smaller bites during the networking breaks.

Are there any rules on dress code?

Business attire is requested. The Summit is a formal opportunity to network with like-minded professionals and to gain knowledge from the industry’s finest risk management experts.


Launch rate - Available until March 8

Representing a financial institution or government body

E.g. Bank, Insurance company, Asset manager, Regulator

Representing an information or service provider

E.g. Consultant, Vendor, Executive search firm, Law firm

Register for Vendor & Third Party Risk Europe today and join the likes of 150+ industry professionals and subject matter experts looking to engage in meaningful conversation and discuss the latest developments and challenges within the vendor and third party risk sector.

Register before March 8 to take advantage of our Launch rate.

Don’t miss out, we only have a limited number of tickets available.

Need assistance with your registration? Get in touch with us via email below, or call us on +44 (0)207 164 6582.

Prices do not include VAT

*To qualify for the preferential ‘early bird’ rates, registration must be received by the close of the ‘early bird’ working day, and payment can be made at the time of registering, or up to a week after registration is made an invoice sent. CeFPro reserves the right to increase rates should payment be delayed significantly. Should a delegate register at a rate that is inaccurate, CeFPro reserves the right to issue an additional invoice for the outstanding amount.