
8:00 – 8:50

Registration and breakfast

8:50 – 9:00

Chair’s opening remarks

9:00 – 9:45

Understanding and effectively managing multiple regulatory agendas and managing third party risk

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  • Overcoming and managing risk in a space with a heavy focus on compliance
  • Reviewing the current regulatory expansion on third party risk
  • Realigning procedures and policies to meet regulatory demands
  • Fed requirements for increased governance on risk reporting
  • Reviewing SEC proposal for conflict of interest in the third party risk space
  • Basel committee consultation on outsourcing principles
  • Managing the NYDFS cybersecurity regulation
  • Finalization of FSB’s third party risk management toolkit
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Melissa Mellen, Head of Third Party Risk Management, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Stuart Hoffman, Bank Examiner, OCC

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Babette Reynolds, Compliance Senior Director, Head of Enterprise Compliance Program Office, Truist

9:45 – 10:20

Strategically positioning third party risk programs to align with strategic goals

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  • Understanding long term risks failure to align strategic goals with outsourcing
  • Importance of aligning goals with risk appetite when outsourcing
  • Correlation between aligning goals when outsourcing with a firm’s maturity
  • Managing a lack of maturity in programs to align strategic goals
  • Reducing unnecessary outsourcing
  • Neglection of planning outsourcing from firms and its impacts
  • Effective due diligence in planning and selecting a correct vendor


Morning refreshment break and networking



Developing capabilities to monitor and review the increased risk across fourth parties

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  • Expanding programs to include fourth, fifth and nth parties
  • Ensuring a sufficient inventory list of your fourth parties
  • Assurance of fourth parties through tools and third parties
  • Advancing policies and procedures around fourth parties
  • Utilizing data gathered from fourth parties
  • Assessing vulnerabilities of fourth parties
  • Enforcing controls with a fourth party
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Madiha Fatima, Executive Director, JP Morgan

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Kholofelo Mothibi, Head of TPRM, Corebridge Financial

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

David N. Braxton, SVP, Global Third Party Risk, Bank of America

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Varun Agarwal, Director, Enterprise Risk Management, Western Alliance Bank



Collaborating with third parties to ensure business continuity and stability across the supply chain

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  • Effectively reviewing third party business continuity controls
  • Integration of business continuity plans between the client and third parties
  • Importance of an effective business continuity plan on supply chains
  • Importance of a fully integrated business continuity playbook
  • Challenges of fully integrating continuity between different systems
  • Purpose of sharing access to individual networks
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Spruille Braden, Enterprise Head of Operational Resilience, Citi

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Olga Voytenko, SVP, Head of Operational Resilience, Forbright Bank

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Brett Turk, Global Head of Business Continuity and Crisis Management, Vangaurd


Assessing the results of Aravo’s third party risk maturity survey and report

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  • Review overall survey results and what they mean for the industry
  • Determine the current maturity of TPRM programs in the marketplace and why it may be a concern
  • Identifying critical elements for maturing and enhancing TPRM programs
  • Understanding the strategic value of investing in a competent, adaptable, and resilient TPRM progran
  • Examining how leadership defines performance, priorities, and next steps
  • Assessing the measurability and impact of mature TPRM programs on the business
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Loren Johnson, Director of Product Marketing, Aravo


Developing effective response plans to manage incidents from vendors under attack

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  • Ensuring better understanding around a vendors incident response
  • Reviewing incidents to potentially identify vulnerabilities
  • Joint testing incident management with vendors
  • Keeping up with the pace of incidents
  • Demand for more timely updates on incidents
  • Reviewing the increase of incidents due to cyber activity


Reviewing how vendor risk is being integrated to observe at the enterprise level

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  • Importance and benefits of viewing third party risk across the business
  • Ensuring organizations holistically understand TPRM goals
  • Introducing a holistic model for risk teams to develop management of all risks
  • Reviewing how third party information can support other areas of the business
  • Scaling outsourcing to the enterprise level
  • Case study of effective integration


Leveraging interagency guidance as a framework to effectively set up and manage third party risk management programs

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  • Alignment and clear understanding of guidelines
  • Increased continuous monitoring requirements
  • Understanding the broader definition of a third party
  • Increased board oversight on critical relationships
  • Impact of guidance on smaller-mid-sized firms
  • Preparing for implementation deadline of inter-agency guidance
  • Impacted of guidance on current third party risk programs
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Tausif Khan, Director, Third Party Risk, DTCC

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Kristin L. Ciridon, Head of Third Party Risk, DTCC


Lunch break and networking


Reviewing the evolution of vendor management: Understanding what it takes for firms to be “Brilliant at the Basics”

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  • Ensuring clear alignment and understanding of what “good vendor management” looks like
  • Importance of winning trusted advisor status with stakeholders
  • Overcoming the challenges when building a relationship vendor management team
    • Skills, mindset and culture
  • Investing in process and platforms to ensure performance goals are achieved
  • Understanding the importance of balancing supplier risk vs. supplier commercials
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Naveen Balakrishnan, Head of Third Party Risk Management, TD Bank


Assessing the maturity of third parties and updating processes for effective oversight of critical relationships

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  • Assessing a firms resilience when outsourcing to critical third party relationships
  • Addressing the influence the UK critical third party regimes will have on US firms
  • Determining the definition of a critical third party
  • Enhancing operating models to better manage critical relationships
  • Overcoming difficulties of identifying critical third parties
  • Critical relationship approval requirements from the board
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Donovan Tanner, Third Party Industry Expert tbc


Managing and monitoring third party relationships in line with policy requirements and contractual agreements

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  • Expanding focus and control to better manage non-traditional contracted vendors
  • Identifying and mitigating risks beyond traditional contracted vendors
  • Adaptation of relationship management as outsourcing increases
  • Importance of relationship manager monitoring changes to a third party
  • Challenges of actively managing complex vendor relationships
  • Developing a managed service model to improve vendor relationships
  • Increased credible challenges on issues identified
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Thomas Brandt, Chief Risk Officer / Director, Office of Planning and Risk, Federal Retirement Thrift and Investment Board

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Charmi Patel, VP, Vendor Risk Management, Israel Discount Bank of New York

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Chelsea Tieken, Business Strategy and Planning Director, TPRM Strategy and Initiatives, USAA


Understanding what steps need to be in place to meet EU DORA implementation

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  • Ensuring compliance with vendors operating under Europe’s DORA Act
  • Assessing how implementation of DORA in Europe will impact US firms
  • Reviewing implementation requirements
  • Overcoming additional governance and document requirements
  • Alignment with other regulatory initiatives


Monitoring contracts to ensure adherence to and maintenance of terms

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  • Ensure all parties within a contract comply with contract terms
  • Amending agreements to ensure ‘right to ask’ for certain information
  • Demand for increased assessments on contract terms
  • Enforcing contractual agreements on your third parties to disclose required information
  • Business continuity and information security of contract management
  • Difficulty with managing scale of terms and conditions in a contract
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

James McPherson, Director & Counsel, Credit Agricole


Incorporating additional testing expectations on operational resilience

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  • Ensuring contracts are effective and supportive of resilience
  • Aligning contract resilience between firm and vendor
  • Ensuring resilience of vendors can withstand a stress event
  • Testing resilience with vendors to and ensure capabilities are met
  • Developing and creating new testing programs on firm and vendor side
  • Use of resilience testing to address supplier vulnerabilities
  • Relationship between operational resilience and third party risk management
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Spruille Braden, Enterprise Head of Operational Resilience, Citi


Afternoon refreshment break and networking


Reviewing evolving third party risk management to effectively address strategic risks

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  • Identifying the impact of emerging strategic risks for third party risk management
    • Geopolitical, cloud concentration, resilience, data protection
  • Understanding the disruption and delays of strategic risk on third party risk management
  • Importance of approaching strategic risks holistically
  • Establishing risk appetite for strategic risks taking
  • Overcoming a lack of clarity around outsourcing trade offs
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Stefan Smith, Director, Enterprise Risk Office and Head of Third Party Risk, Bank of Canada


Leveraging vendors in different jurisdictions and offshoring to mitigate the impact of unforeseen risks

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  • Effective support from vendors in different geolocations
  • Reviewing business continuity of locations used for outsourcing
  • Monitoring locations where critical vendors are based
  • Lack of data to determine where third parties are located
  • Impact of outsourcing to a vendor with geolocational risks e.g. hurricanes, floods
  • Assessing the impact of geolocation challenges on supply chain
  • Importance of sharing vendor geolocation data with other arms of the firm


Managing the opportunity and balancing the risk of leveraging fintech’s as a third party

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  • Working with organizations with less developed controls
  • Assessing the opportunities of enhanced controls and security on a fintech
  • Ensuring fintechs meet the standard of traditional third parties
  • Improved guidance to understand what regulations must be adhered to
  • Ensuring policies and procedures extend to fintechs as third party vendors
  • Mitigating an increased risk exposure to cybersecurity attacks
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Firas Mustapha, , Senior Director of Compliance, Arvest Bank tbc


Reviewing the technology landscape and its impact on the resilience of third party risk

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  • Managing enhanced technology requirements requiring more timely and transparent reporting
  • Exploring new technologies to improve efficiencies
  • Timeliness of notification of technology subcontractors in the supply chain
  • Increased concern of technology outsourcing longer chains and widely spread risks
  • Data challenges of using vendor technology
  • Pushback from technology suppliers on what data they are willing to share
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Scot Lynch, Executive Director, Morgan Stanley


Chair’s closing remarks


End of day one and networking drinks reception

8:00 – 8:50

Registration and breakfast

8:50 – 9:00

Chair’s opening remarks

9:00 – 9:45

Assessing the impact of global volatility on third parties and managing uncertainty

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  • Understanding how geopolitical risks are impacting global and regional supply chains
  • Carrying out geopolitical analysis on where your third parties are centered
  • Assessing why geopolitical risk have been overlooked by firms
  • Impact of geopolitical conflicts on vendor services provided
  • Anticipating how future geopolitical crisis can impact your firm
  • Reviewing the impact of the 2024 US election result on vendor and TPRM programs
  • Mitigating the impact of increased geopolitical risks
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Kristen Schneider, Director, Business Strategy and Planning, USAA

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Nita Kohli, Board Advisor & former Global Head of Enterprise Resilience, Citi


Reviewing practical uses of generative AI to further advance third party risk teams

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  • Leveraging efficiencies of AI to enhance internal processes
  • Ensuring workforce in place can understand AI and how to assess it
  • Providing AI services and support to clients and customers
  • Generative AI use through third party risk programs
  • Data gathering on third parties
  • Ensuring AI understands risk appetite and tolerances
  • Policy and procedure alignment with the use of AI
  • Effectively assessing AI data sets
  • Partnering with vendors to enhance AI use in industry


Morning refreshment break and networking


Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Nicholas Kula, Global TPRM and Resilience Leader, Archer


Reviewing the evolving AI landscape and oversight of use of AI by third parties

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  • Reviewing the evolving AI landscape and use of AI by third parties
  • Importance and difficulties with validating AI use by vendors
  • Data privacy concerns with the use of AI by third parties
  • Ensuring governance on AI use by third parties and vendors
  • Effectively integrating AI into the vendor risk management process
  • Monitoring the use of AI across the supply chain
  • Anticipating laws and legislation on the horizon
  • Ensuring solutions meet with policies and risk tolerances
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Dolly Singh, MD, Global Head of Third Party Oversight , JPMorgan Chase 

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Sonia Jarvis, Director, Quantitative Modeling, Fannie Mae

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Sri Intan, Head of Vendor Risk Management for North America, Commerzbank AG



Enhancing exit strategies in the event of planned and unplanned exits

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  • Ensuring effective design of an exit strategy
  • Understanding the importance of developing exit strategies
  • Incorporating geopolitical conflicts into exit strategies
  • Assessing business continuity of third parties when exit planning
  • Effectively aligning risk appetite when exit planning
  • Determining stress points of an exit plan
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Rick Cech, Senior Bank Manager, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

David LaFalce, SVP & Global Head of Operational Resilience, Wells Fargo


Monitoring and tracking accessibility and access to data across third parties

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  • Overcoming the challenges of external data use
  • Adhering to varying data requirements in different jurisdictions
  • Improving use of data provided by vendors
  • Ensuring data compliance with CIPRA
  • Accessibility and security of data to third parties and vendors
  • Reviewing rapid evolution and increased sophistication of ratings service providers


Mitigating the varying types of concentration risks a firm can face

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  • Assessing the risk of concentration with current vendors and third parties
  • Leveraging vendor concentration to manage multiple risk types
  • Effective reporting around concentration risk
  • Data requirements to understand and identify concentration risks
  • Correlation between concentration and geopolitical risk
  • Impact of conflict risk on your vendor concentration


Lunch break and networking


Assessing the current ESG landscape and understanding what it means for vendor and third party risk programs

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  • Addressing a lack of legislation and guidance on ESG
  • Restriction ESG is putting on outsourcing activities
  • Impact of ESG in the context of responsible supply chain
  • Balancing level of protection and service whilst ensuring supplier diversity
  • Identifying verifiable data points
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Leidy Anderson, Third-Party Risk Director, Western Alliance Bancorporation


Effectively monitoring cyber threats across the supply chain to drive resilience

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  • Assessing if providers are effectively protecting confidential information against cyber attacks
  • Obtaining timely and accurate security information from third party vendors
  • Importance of continuous monitoring of cyber risks
  • Managing cyber security stresses across third parties
  • Importance of data use to combat cyber attacks
  • Ensuring cybersecurity resilience
  • Benefits on partnering with vendors and sharing technologies
  • Impact of SEC guidance on CISO’s 
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Tom Kartanowicz, CISO, Europe and Americas, Standard Chartered Bank

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Mahi Dontamsetti, EVP, Global Head of Non Financial Risk & CTRO, State Street

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Marta Palanques, Director, Methodologies and Practices, Technology Risk Management, Capital One 


Utilizing due diligence assessments as a tool to better understand and manage risk

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  • Defining a standard of effective due diligence on firms
  • Moving away from a ‘one size fits all’ approach
  • Wider regulatory expectation when carrying out due diligence
  • Importance of timely information when conducting due diligence
  • Leveraging AI to better carry out due diligence
  • Overcoming lack of cooperation to obtain data
  • Raised due diligence concern with increased technology outsourcing
  • Focusing on inherent risks of vendors when carrying out due diligence
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Brennan Lodge, Head of Analytics Engines, Cybersecurity, HSBC


Managing the increased risk of ransomware breaches and vulnerabilities firms are facing

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  • Protection against ransomware attacks in a technologically enhanced environment
  • Keeping ahead of sophisticated ransomware attacks
  • Ensuring data is secure and protected against ransomware attacks
  • Understanding how ransomware attacks can impact your supply chain
  • Mitigating vulnerabilities to protect against ransomware
  • Importance of understanding if you have been impacted by a ransomware attack
    • Impact, escalation channels, mitigation plan, disconnect and reconnect timelines
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Fabian De Jesus, Director, Information Security Officer, Capital One


Assessing and mitigating the risks of upcoming supply chain crisis

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  • Interconnected nature of third parties impact on supply chain
  • Formulation of principles around supply chain at the global and jurisdictional level
  • Understanding the impact geopolitical risk has on supply chains
  • Effectively managing cybersecurity risk across the supply chain
  • Applying a proportionate risk based approach to supply chain risk management
  • Difficulties with subcontracting supply chain risk management
  • Introduction of supply chain consultation in June 2024
  • Mitigating strategies to ensure operational resilience in your supply chain
  • Importance of nearshoring to avoid supply chain risks
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Penny Cagan, former Managing Director, Americas Head of Operational Risk, UBS


Importance of continuous monitoring to move beyond point in time assessments

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  • Assessing best practice within the industry
  • Ensuring data quality and availability for continuous monitoring tools
  • Leveraging to better identify vulnerabilities in vendor data
  • Extracting value from continuous monitoring
  • Comparing effectiveness of continuous monitoring with due diligence
  • Use of continuous monitoring to identify threat intelligence
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Patricia Catharino, Head of Risk Management & Internal Controls, U.S. and Caribbean, SVP, Banco Itau International


Afternoon refreshment break


Enhancing board reporting and defining information required to communicate risk

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  • Regulatory influence on how firms report to the board
  • Leveraging due diligence to better report to the board
  • Assessing what risks are considered a board level concern
  • Reporting residual risk from vendors to the board
  • Efficiently reporting important information to ensure the board can make strategic decisions
  • Difficulty of creating processes around board approvals
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Karina Volvovsky, Business Controls Officer, City National Bank tbc


Reviewing how to develop current third party risk programs to enhance maturity and risk mitigation

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  • Understanding the interconnectedness of third parties used
  • Leveraging risk intelligence to effectively manage third party risk
  • Reviewing enhanced monitoring requirements of third parties
  • Ensuring effective oversight of third parties
  • Enhanced expectations of a third party deemed critical at the system level
  • Improving value proposition in third party risk programs
  • Responsibility of reporting risks found in the program


Chair’s closing remarks


End of Vendor and Third Party Risk Management USA 2024 Congress