Sustainable Finance Agenda

Day One | June 10


Registration and breakfast


Chairs opening remarks

Day 1 Moderator: Larry Abele, Founder, CEO, Impact Cubed

9:00 – 9:40

Reviewing SFDR and managing challenges faced with implementation into frameworks

  • Ensuring products and investments align with EU Taxonomy targets
  • Reviewing technical impacts and timelines
  • Mitigating the challenges of adhering to SFRD
    • Data, internal resources, and internal capacity
  • Reviewing SFDR for transition finance labelling
  • Engaging with SFDR amendment to stay ahead of the regulatory landscape

Aleksandra Schellenberg, Global Head Legal Sustainable Finance, UBS

9:40 – 10:30

Benchmarking CSRD implementation and streamlining industry standards 

  • Double materiality assessments on sustainability
    • Impact on the environment and society
  • Managing internal challenges for CSRD implementation
    • Expertise requirements and resources availability
  • Applying double materiality to align current reporting standards
  • Enhancing frameworks to meet CSRD requirements
  • Benchmarking industry progress and framework for meeting CSRD standards
  • Understanding the complexity to implement CSRD operationally

Celia Lambert-Alcantara, Head of Sustainable Finance/ESG Compliance, Credit Agricole Corporate & Investment Bank

Gwen Safa, Global Head of Sustainable Corporate Solutions (Sustainable Banking Group), Barclays Investment Banking 


Morning refreshment break and networking

11:00 – 11:40

Alpha strategies and ESG: Mastering risk, return, and responsibility

  • Introduction to a 3D ESG Framework: Explore the integration of risk, return, and ESG Impact in testing alpha strategies.
  • 3D fund and security selection: Learn how to align your sustainable investment principles with the securities or funds you select.
  • ESG Opportunities: Discuss ways to convert ESG challenges into strategic opportunities within portfolios.
  • Actionable Insights: Gain practical insights to enhance your investment strategies using Impact Cubed’s tools and methodologies.
  • Sharing some use cases.
  • A vision for the future.

Larry Abele, Founder, CEO, Impact Cubed


Supervisory expectations to climate risk management and stress testing

  • Using climate stress testing and scenario analysis to help manage climate-related risks
  • Closing gaps in climate data handling and climate risk modelling
  • Good practices
  • Monitoring progress in climate risk management / stress testing

Christoffer Kok, Head of Division, ECB


Managing uncertainties in mitigating greenwashing risks with increased regulatory pressure 

  • Building robust frameworks to prevent greenwashing.
    • Treated as a traditional risk vs part of risk assessment and appetite?
  • Mitigating greenwashing outside of frameworks
    • Raising awareness, changing culture, and embedding this into financial institution
  • Increase of ‘green hushing’ and impact to financial institutions
  • Enhancing transparency to reduce regulatory scrutiny
  • Greenwashing – reputational, legal, or financial risk?
  • Aligning with ECB requirements in ensuring risk assessments and controls are in place

Javier Francisco Munoz, Global Head of Conduct, Reputational Risk & ESG, Santander Corporate & Investment Banking


Lunch break and networking


Developing a data program and managing the complexities of data requirements

  • Managing lack of data needed to meet regulatory requirements.
  • Enhancing transparency and robustness around data requirements
  • Anticipating CSRD Implementation for corporates
  • Leveraging on emerging data utilities
  • Exploring on large language models
  • Standardizing definition of sustainability to ensure data quality.
  • Leveraging client data to build in house ESG data
    • Using this to build new process, tools, and architectures.

Marie D’Argentre, Head of ESG Data & TransformationBNP Paribas CIB


Prioritizing sustainability and embedding into BAU in a continuously evolving landscape

  • Engaging internal teams to be more sustainable
    • Training, upskilling, providing incentives.
  • Climate change impacts to firms
  • Proportionately upskilling team to navigate sustainability changes
  • Understanding complexity of climate change and incorporating it in BAU
    • g. Impact of floods to insurance premiums

Daniel Kricheff, Director, Global Credit Risk, Sustainability, MetLife Investment Management

George Barnard, Associate, Global Credit Research, Sustainability, MetLife Investment Management


Afternoon refreshment break and networking


Navigating challenges associated with sustainable transition finance

  • Incorporating concept of sustainable transition into investments
    • Identifying KPI’s, measuring transition, and transitioning a business to be more sustainable
  • Navigating open-ended transition finance approach to mitigate greenwashing.
  • Role of blended finance in transition planning
  • Managing multiple approaches to transition financing
  • Standardizing a definition transition finance
  • Opportunities and risks within transition finance

Tarunima Arora, Executive Director, Senior Risk Officer, Sustainable Finance, Standard Chartered Bank


Developing comprehensive transition plans and aligning across business functions

  • Aligning best practice for transition plan frameworks
    • Going beyond net zero, emission reductions and looking at social transitions.
  • Transition plans aligning with net zero goals and scope 3 emissions
  • Creating efficient transition plans for clients
  • Meeting KPI’S to implement effective transition plans
  • Developing practical transition plans applicable across the banks’ balance sheets
  • Ensuring transition plans are robust and avoid greenwashing

Phil Cliff, Director, Sustainable Investing, Fidelity International

Vesselina (Vessy) Haralampieva, Head of Sustainable Finance Governance, and Regulations, EBRD

Panagiota Batziou, Associate – Green, Social and Impact Bonds, Goldman Sachs Asset Management

Myles McCarthy, Head of Sustainability, Close Brothers


Chair’s closing remarks


End of day one 

Day Two | June 11


Registration and breakfast


Chairs opening remarks

Day 2 Moderator: Alicia Glennon, Director Corporate Finance, Circularity & Waste, Sustainable Capital Group

9:00 – 9:50

Navigating nature based finance and establishing strategies beyond assumptions

  • Implementing nature and biodiversity into sustainable frameworks
  • Understanding long term impacts of nature and biodiversity
  • Incorporating nature and biodiversity considerations into portfolio
    • Identifying which metrics to be used
  • Ensuring policies are designed to reduce impacts.
  • Cooperating with TNFD guidelines to develop KPI’s.
  • Defining measurements of nature and biodiversity capital
  • Quantifying nature and biodiversity

Monica Filkova, Head of Climate and Nature Investment Strategy, Aviva

Pietro Stimamiglio, VP, Climate and ESG Capital Markets, Natwest Markets

Daniel Sacco, Investment Officer, Deutsche Bank

9:50 – 10:30

Reviewing regulatory landscape and navigating complex requirements across jurisdictions

  • Managing timelines of regulatory landscape and reporting requirements
    • CSRD, SFDR, EU Taxonomy, CSDDD
  • Impacts of global disclosures what constitutes best practice
    • UK SSDR regulations, U.S SEC disclosures on fund labelling
  • Aligning regulatory requirements under EU Taxonomy
  • Best practices and lessons learned in navigating the dynamic regulatory landscape
  • Managing the risk of overlapping regulations from multiple jurisdictions
  • Leveraging technology and innovation in streamlining regulatory compliance processes
  • Navigating supply chains through CSDDD implementation

David Carlin, Head of Climate Risk and TCFD, UNEP FI


Morning refreshment break and networking

11:00 – 11:50

Managing the multitude of global taxonomies and impact on sustainable frameworks

  • Development of taxonomy in sustainable finance
  • Technicalities of taxonomy
    • How to implement and apply taxonomy into BAU
  • Managing complex regulations involving multiple taxonomies
  • Green asset ratio implementation and navigating requirements
  • Increasing transparency of taxonomy
  • Effectively measuring and translating financial data

Evgeny Tyurin, Head of ESG Finance and Corporate Bank FP&A, Deutsche Bank

Gurprit Samrai, Associate Director, Sustainability and ESG Finance, Lloyds Banking Group


Leveraging opportunities and practices of sustainable investing

  • Exploring opportunities within sustainable investments
  • Addressing the importance of transparency and responsible investment practices
  • Investing in sustainable transport
    • Electric cars, zero emission modes of transport, HGV’s and Trucks
  • Risks and opportunities around decarbonization within investments
  • Defining what classifies as a sustainable investment
  • Shifting investments and asset management in attracting capital to green lending

Mikael Down, Executive Director, Head of EMEA Sustainable Finance Solutions, Morgan Stanley


Lunch and networking break


Leveraging sustainability linked products to execute client expectations

  • Current regulatory landscape for reporting and importance of reporting financed emissions
  • Setting targets in financial institutions and aligning to science based organisations
  • Evolution of sustainable finance products and service to drive down financed emissions in line with net zero and 1.5 degree transition pathways
    • Sustainable finance
    • Sustainability-linked finance
  • Challenges to overcome, including greenwashing and policy / regulatory landscape
  • Importance of stakeholder engagement and partnerships (including public / private or cross-sectoral)

Saad Malik, Sustainability Director, Lloyds Banking Group

Ulrik Hallen Oen, Associate Director, Sustainable Finance, DNB Markets

Edward Dixon, Head of Responsible Investment – Real Assets, Aviva Investors


Assessing the voluntary carbon credit market

  • Navigating lack of frameworks of carbon credits market
  • Implications of a voluntary carbon credit market
    • Bad credits and offsetting emissions
  • Standardizing what ‘good’ looks likes in a carbon credit market
  • Enhancing transparency and integrity to reduce risks
  • Developing frameworks to manage carbon markets

Chris Leeds, Head of Carbon Markets Development, Standard Chartered Bank 


Reviewing the future of sustainable finance and impacts on a macro scale

  • Demystifying sustainable finance
    • Building capacity to ensure decision making.
  • Tackling conflicting interests with unsustainable oil and gas companies
  • The role of blended finance in meeting sustainability standards
  • Incorporating AI into sustainable finance frameworks to enhance efficiency.
  • Using automation for assisting in transition plan guidelines
  • Role of AI to support net-zero policies, taxonomies, and in-house initiatives.

Marina Marecos, Head of Sustainable Finance EMEA, Mizuho

Ben Constable-Maxwell, Head of Impact Investing, M&G Investments


Chairs closing remarks


End of Summit